About Me

About me

My Thrilling Backstory

I grew up in a small town. I never really fit in with my peers as my ADHD made me so imaginative and spaced out that I just didn’t see the world like them. However, as an adult this trait is one of my favorite things about myself. I find in graphic design this ability to shift perspectives and think outside the box makes me a stronger designer. In school I found my footing in CEGEP when I completed a certificate in arts literature and communications with a profile in media arts. Unfortunately I felt pressured to go straight to university and my experience with children from camp counseling and babysitting led me to believe I wanted to become an elementary school teacher. I worked hard in school so that I could get into a very small and renowned program at Concordia. Though it was a great program, something just didn’t feel right. There was a part of me that was not fulfilled in child studies So I dropped out. I spent some time away from school, working and trying to find my real calling and my answer came in 2020. My unlikely blessing was the pandemic. Locked at home I found myself diving into art projects to keep busy and I discovered a deep passion and drive to make art. Suddenly I found myself connecting the dots between my love of art and the love of digital media I had found at CEGEP and decided to go back to school in graphic and web design. It ended up being perfect for me and I have never looked back since. What was missing was creative fulfillment and now I am incredibly passionate about what I do.

Where and Who I am Today

Right now I live in a nice little apartment in my parents basement with my boyfriend, my cat, our beloved gecko daisy and tons of plants. Home is my happy place and I love spending time there with my 1000 hobbies. From weight-lifting to yoga, kayaking, hiking, cooking, painting, sculpting and working on my designs of course! As a person I would say I’m quite easy to get along with. I’m very optimistic and I love people. I always have a funny story to tell or a new hobby to gush about. As a designer, I would consider myself a bit of a perfectionist. I am very detail oriented and I thoroughly enjoy the process of going from idea to finished product and how many twists and turns that process may take.

cartoon hand doing thumbs down motion.

I do not like:

Big spiders
Wet socks
Fizzy drinks
Slow walkers
The word moist

cartoon hand doing thumbs up motion.