
Announcement: Design Showcase

I am writing this post to invite you to an event that is very special to me. On April 10th, 2024, between 5 and 7 PM, myself and fellow peers will be hosting a graduating vernissage to showcase our work from the past few years. As graduating students of the Graphic and Web Design program at John Abbott College, we’ve accumulated a plethora of beautiful and creative projects throughout our three-year journey in the program.

We invite you to dress up and join us at the John Abbott College Agora to indulge in wine, cheeses, conversation and to admire the stunning array of work on display. From captivating brand design and development to vibrant illustrations, eye-catching print design, engaging web design, and captivating photography, there’s something for everyone to appreciate.

This is an opportunity to interact with both teachers and students of the program, and perhaps discover the perfect designer for your business needs. Additionally, there will be books, catalogs, brochures, packaging, and other fun keepsakes available to take home.

I will personally be presenting my work, and I am eagerly anticipating this year’s vernissage. It feels like the culmination of my last three years of hard work and growth as a designer. Reflecting on my projects, I’ve witnessed a significant improvement in my skills and design sensibilities over the years.

I’m excited to showcase some of my strongest projects and demonstrate to prospective employers the breadth of my capabilities in design, illustration, and project execution. Furthermore, I look forward to elaborating on my ideas and the design process behind each of these projects with attendees. I am also eager to see the impressive work of my peers and our community. Through our shared experiences, we’ve formed a close-knit family within our classes and I hope you will share in the warmth and joy of this event.

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