
My Many Dream Jobs

I used to be unsure of what I wanted to do, but in finding this program and enjoying it as much as I have, I find myself with the opposite problem: There are far too many things I am passionate about and would like to pursue. Who knows where the next 10 years may take me, but I am open to it all. I know that I will be happy and fulfilled as long as I can work in a creative and challenging field. 

Ideally, I would love to work with others at a design studio. I enjoy the feedback of working in a team or with a supervisor or coworker to bounce ideas off of. Working on advertising and promotional materials, branding, and packaging design would be fantastic. I love working with my hands and am fascinated with how texture and shape can impact the customer experience, so packaging and print publication are of particular interest to me. Social media marketing could be a fun challenge as well, and I think I could be well suited to offering a fresh, current point of view.

I have a few other passion projects in mind as well, but I think I would prefer to do some of these as freelance work in my free time. I would love to start writing and illustrating children’s books about nature and ecology. In addition, I would like to act on my passion for creative animation by making my own stop-motion or digital animations on Youtube and potentially voice-acting as well. I have always been known for my funny voices and character-creating prowess, so voice acting for commercials or animated shows would be a super interesting thing to try out.

Finally, my ultimate long-term goal is to become a creative director. Choosing concepts for fashion photoshoots or visuals for promotional materials in the music industry or in any highly creative industry would be a dream come true. Regardless of where I end up, I am very excited to see where my ideas and exceptional work ethic will take me next.

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